My name is Annette and my husband's name is Hector. We are raising triplets!!! They're names are Delilah Marie, Hector Manuel Jr., and Melody Grace!!! Our triplets were born at 24 weeks 1 day and we are very blessed to say that we have all three of them at home with us! We've had a very long and bumpy road, but God has brought us through! Miracles do happen! Thank you for reading!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, August 31, 2009

18 weeks 3 days Update!

It's been a very long time I don't write a post... three weeks to be exact. I really wanted to keep up with my blogs, but for some reason it has become quite difficult to do so... My goal from now on is to try to keep my blogs updated at least once or twice a week. :)

Today I am 18 weeks 3 days. I was confirmed last week that we're having 2 girls and a boy!! We are so excited because we were really hoping to have a little variety...

In the last post I wrote about my cervical cerclage. Everything went great! My only complaint was the spinal anesthesia... I had NO CLUE that it would make me so anxious! Since the spinal anesthesia numbs you completely belly down, I couldn't move my feet or my toes and throughout the procedure that got me a little anxious... but I managed and tried my best to stay cool. My surgery was at 8:00am and I was out of the hospital by 10:30am... the nurses were very surprised that I was able to walk and go to the bathroom so soon after the anesthesia. :)

So far everything is going great in the pregnancy. Last week the ultrasound tech spent some time with me checking the babies and their organs. They also checked their spinal cord and everything looked great!! Dr. Christensen (my high risk doctor), told us that at 21 weeks we will have an even more thorough ultrasound and they would check the babies' hearts more in depth. I'm a little nervous but very confident that everything will be just fine!

Physical state:

I am getting very heavy!! My back started hurting this week and it's no fun. I've gained 15 pounds throughout the pregnancy and Dr. Christensen told me i should gain 50-60 pounds!! I have no clue how I'm gonna do that... but we'll see. For now he told me that I'm doing good (weight wise) but that I should try to eat a little more these next few weeks to try to gain some more weight. The babies are weighing perfectly (my 2 girls are weighing 7 ounces and my boy 8 ounces). This was almost a week ago (6 days to be exact) so I'm sure they're probably a little bigger. :) My other complaint (besides my back) is the ligament stretching pain. Ugh! It's terrible!!! But I'm slowly getting used to it (if there is such a thing). I haven't gotten swollen feet or fingers yet which makes me SO HAPPY!! But I have a feeling it's soon to come because this weight is killing me and I can barely walk.

Baby Shower:

My Baby Shower will be on September 26, 2009. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I will be 22 weeks and 1 day. I wanted to make it early because I'm scared my doctor will put me on bed rest and then I will be restricted from many activities that I am looking forward to. I'm not quite sure what theme it will be (because my mother is planning it) but I'm sure it will be beautiful! We invited 150 people!! Can you believe it??? ha,ha! It's just such a big event for everyone and we really wanted to share it with ALL our friends and family.

Well to end this post I'm going to add some pictures of the anatomy of my 3 precious babies and some pictures of their profiles... These ultrasound pics are from 17 weeks 4 days. Enjoy!!!







1 comment:

  1. Girl Im so excited for you I cant believe it still omg triplets wow... I will keep checking ur blogs because I want to learn more about pregnacy life since I want a baby of my own (I dont know if I can do triplets but Im hoping for twins..steven's family have twins in there fam so Im hoping) well girl I am super happy for you and you better believe I will be at your baby shower..Love you lots

    Keycha Cruz
