My name is Annette and my husband's name is Hector. We are raising triplets!!! They're names are Delilah Marie, Hector Manuel Jr., and Melody Grace!!! Our triplets were born at 24 weeks 1 day and we are very blessed to say that we have all three of them at home with us! We've had a very long and bumpy road, but God has brought us through! Miracles do happen! Thank you for reading!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 6, 2009

19.2 Weeks update!

Hey guys!

I can't believe I'm almost five months... it's amazing how soon time goes by! I just hope these next few weeks also go by soon because my weight is really starting to bother me and it's becoming painful... Not too many changes from week 18 to week 19... everything is pretty much the same. I'm still having my pelvic ligament pains and I also realized that Baby A is on top of my bladder and makes pressure on my pelvic area. It's very uncomfortable and since I can feel her move down there, the pressure is greater. It's funny how some people think that I'm almost ready to "pop" lol. I have to explain that I'm having triplets and that's the reason I'm so big.

Yesterday was one of my best friend's birthday and I had the opportunity to go out with my husband and celebrate with my mutual friends. It felt so nice to get out of the house and spend time with people I truly care about. I know that after the babies are born it will be 3x harder to go out and spend time with my friends, but I'm thankful that I was able to do that. I have some nice pics that I will post at the end of the blog from her birthday party. :)

Tuesday is my hubby's birthday!!! I'm still not sure what I'm going to do for him... Unfortunately since I'm not working (and money is tight)... I probably won't be able to throw him a party or anything, but I might take him out to dinner. We'll see... I will post later what we ended up doing. This month of September is a crazy one... Hubby's birthday is the 8th, mine is the 18th, and my baby shower is the 26th!!! So every week this month there is something going on!!

I have my next doctor's appointment on Wednesday afternoon. I will have my routine cervix check and I'm going to ask the tech to check the babies out and see how they're doing. Usually when it's just a cervix check they don't really look at the babies. :( But hopefully she'll do me that little favor. I just loveee seeing them! It gives me the peace of mind that they're doing alright.


Well now that we know what the sexes of our babies are... WE HAVE NAMES FOR THEM! yay!
Baby A (Girl)- Melody Grace
Baby B (Girl)- Delilah Marie
Baby C (Boy)- Hector Manuel Jr.

What do you guys think?? Feel free to comment about the names... My husband and I are really excited about the names and it just makes us feel more connected to the babies. We talk to them every morning and call them by their names... it's so cute!

The 5 Month Period:

Ok, so I must admit that the weeks 20-24 are a little scary for me... I feel like i once I pass this scary stage, that I am going to feel soooo much better! Weeks 20-24 are usually the hardest weeks in a triplets pregnancy because it's usually when all the complications begin... I am confident and have FAITH in God that everything will be just fine and that this month will be a breeze... but I still need a lot of prayer and support from my loved ones these coming weeks because I am still human and have my moments of insecurity from time to time. Once I pass my 24th week mark, my babies begin to have a chance of life and that just makes me soooo happy!!! Of course there are always complications when babies are born at such a young stage, but I think that once I pass that stage, I will feel lots better! My goal continues to be 32 weeks!! I'm not changing that because I am believing that God will get me there!

Well, I know this was a long post... but what can I say? This is the beginning of 19 weeks (the end of month 4) and i needed to have a nice closure! :) Hope you enjoyed reading!!! Have a blessed week!!

Here are the pictures from my friend's birthday party!! My 19 weeks belly pic too!! :)


Birthday girl and I :) Love u Carmen!

All the pretty girls together! :)

Having dinner at a Restaurant called Tu Tu Tangos!

My hubby and I with our Triplets!!! :) [Family pic]

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

18.5 Weeks Update and GOMOTT!!!

Hi Everyone!!

So last night was definitely one of the best nights of my pregnancy so far... I was able to go to the first meeting of GOMOTT which stands for Greater Orlando Mothers of Twins and Triplets!! I had the privilege to meet so many wonderful mothers and mothers-to-be of twins and triplets. I learned soooo much and got a lot of useful information. Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month and they have activities in between meetings for the moms and the children. My favorite part of the meeting was getting to know moms of triplets and hearing their stories. It was so encouraging to know that so many women have gone through what I am going through right now. I really look forward to getting to know more moms and participating in the activities before and after the pregnancy! I really recommend this group for those moms out there of twins and triplets in Central Florida. It is truly worth it!!!

GOMOTT website:

Pregnancy Update:

Nothing has really changed in the last few days... My husband did tell me this morning that my belly had another growth spurt. I don't really notice the growth spurts, but I definitely have my hubby to let me know when they do occur! :) I have also noticed that I am particularly hungrier than usual these last few days... We'll see how much I gain this week on next week's appointment. I can't wait to see my babies!! I see them every 2 weeks and once the first week passes, I start getting desperate to see them again!!! I love seeing them and knowing that everything is okay.

Well, thank you for reading my posts and letting me know you're enjoying them... I really hope this will be a great way to keep in touch with all of you and sharing my ups and downs of my triplet pregnancy. Have a great rest of the week! :)