Ok So I know I'm a TERRIBLE blogger! It's been 2 months since my last post and lots of new things have been going on. Ok, so where do I start?
We had a wonderful Christmas! The babies got so many gifts and actually had lots of fun opening the presents. It was funny to see them play more with the wrapping paper than the actual gifts! Here's a photo of them playing and opening gifts:
On December 29th my husband got into a terrible car accident. He was impacted by another vehicle in the front right side of his pick-up truck and lots control of the vehicle. His truck then flipped a couple of times and he went unconscious. They had to cut the roof of his truck and take him out from the top. He was hospitalized and very, very hurt. It was a very scary moment for me because I really thought I had lost him. He had a huge laceration in the head from the side of his right eye to the back of his head. It was a deep cut but thankfully he had no brain damage. It's been almost a month and he's still recovering. He's still in a lot of pain and has been complaining about migraines and body aches. :-/ It's been very difficult for me because in the first weeks I had to not only take care of the babies and the house, but also my hubby. Thank God for family because without their help I don't know what I would have done. :-/ Here's a picture of how his truck looked after the accident:
So on to the babies... They have been doing wonderful!! In just 2 months since my last post they are doing so much more! All three of them are now crawling and sitting upright. Melody is already taking some steps too! Melody and Delilah are eating Stage 3 baby food and are eating some other solids like puffs and cookies. It's so exciting! Delilah started pulling up to stand on her own holding on to the sides of the crib and play pen. Hector is almost there too... and Melody has been doing it for a while now. :-)
I'm not sure if I mentioned it in my last blog (since I didn't read it before I started writing this post) but the ophthalmologist decided Delilah should have eye surgery to correct her strabismus (crossed eyes). We were actually really excited about that because we really wanted her to be able to focus a little better. Well yesterday she had her eye surgery and it was a success!! Surgery started at 9:45am and we were already discharged at about 2:00pm. She recovered very fast and we can already notice the great results! The doctor said her eyes will be red and a bit bloody for the next couple of days. We also have to watch her that she doesn't rub her eyes (although she fights us to do it). :-/ I'm just happy we're done with this part of our lives and we're moving on... Here's a photo of her "before and after surgery":
Next stop is little Hector! Now we have to work on getting him to hear and talk!!! We have an appointment for an ABR under general anesthesia in Jacksonville on the 10th of next month. He already started seeing the speech pathologist since he needs at least 2 months of it before we're even considered for the cochlear implant. We're almost there and I'm so excited that we're getting closer and closer... Please keep this situation in your prayers... We really want God's will to be done and we need direction to see if this is what he really needs.
I will keep you all posted about little Hector's hearing loss and our near future plans with the implant. I will leave you with some of our professional Christmas photos since I wasn't able to update my blog until now. :-)
Hector Jr. <3

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